How to use tone of voice and make the most of every opportunity to connect with your customers

I love how Morrisons have perfected their tone of voice in these seven little words.

Photograph of the screen that appears at the end of checking out from a Morrisons self-service till that says lovely to see you, bye for now.
Make the most of every opportunity to connect with your customers








Whoever wrote it, you’re brilliant (Sophie Titcomb of Yarn Copy?).

The message comes up on the self-service checkouts, after your payment has gone through.

It’s so tiny it shouldn’t make much difference.

But it does, because the tone of voice is spot on: warm and engaging.

Using a self-service checkout is often frustrating and this gentle, friendly message takes the sting out of it.

Every time I read it I smile. It makes a difference to how I feel when I leave the shop, even if I’ve had to queue and ask for help (has anyone ever made it through the self-service checkout without asking for help?).

Those seven little words make me feel seen. They make me feel welcome. And they make me feel valued.

But perhaps most importantly, as this post proves, they’ve stayed with me.

So, while I still go to Aldi sometimes, whenever I go to Morrisons I take these feelings with me.

What you can learn from Morrisons

When we think of our brand messaging we generally focus on the big-ticket things like our website, brochures and ads. But, as Morrisons have shown, there can be plenty more opportunities to connect with people.

Other places I’ve seen used well are the back of a business card, a website footer and  an invoice.

Go through every opportunity you have to make an impression on your customers or prospective customers. Where can you add a few words that could surprise and delight and help you stay in someone’s mind?


Hello. I’m Sarah Russell, a freelance copywriter from near Cardiff in south Wales.

I can help you make the most of every opportunity you have to use your words to connect with people.

Call me on: 01873 776 153

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